Legacies Podcast

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Cannabis culture in Newfoundland, Canada, is experiencing a transformation, thanks to trailblazers like Oceanic. In a recent podcast episode, Taylor Giovannini and Dillon Beck, key figures at Oceanic, shared the story of their company's origins, their innovative retail strategy, cultivation practices, and the unique challenges they face. Here’s a deep dive into their journey and impact.


The Origin Story of Oceanic

Taylor Giovannini recounted the touching and inspirational roots of Oceanic. The company's journey began with her husband's grandfather, who used medical cannabis to alleviate his arthritis symptoms. This personal experience sparked Taylor's interest in the cannabis industry and ignited a mission to break down the stigma surrounding cannabis use in Newfoundland.

Despite regional misconceptions about cannabis, Taylor and her team are committed to education and normalization. Oceanic's retail stores play a crucial role in this mission, offering an inviting and informative space that demystifies cannabis for newcomers and seasoned users alike.


Exploring Cannabis Culture in Newfoundland

Dillon Beck provided an insightful comparison of cannabis culture in Newfoundland versus other parts of Canada, particularly the West Coast. Unlike the well-known "BC Hydro" cannabis prevalent in British Columbia, Newfoundland has faced different cultural and legal challenges.

Dillon shared personal anecdotes of navigating law enforcement's stringent stance on cannabis in the past, highlighting how far the industry has come. Oceanic's presence marks a new era of acceptance and quality in Newfoundland's cannabis culture.


Community Revitalization and Economic Impact

One of Oceanic’s most significant achievements is their decision to establish operations in a former fish processing plant in Yarmouth, Newfoundland. This move has not only breathed new life into the facility but has also garnered immense community support. Taylor expressed pride in their efforts to revitalize the local area, including acquiring abandoned houses to provide affordable housing.

By choosing to invest in the local community, Oceanic has created jobs, fostered economic growth, and built strong ties with their neighbors. This commitment transcends the cannabis industry, showing how businesses can be a force for positive change.


Retail Strategy: Education and Engagement

Oceanic's retail strategy is centered around providing an educational and welcoming environment. With nine stores across Newfoundland, they aim to cater to a broad audience. The focus is on making cannabis approachable and understandable, breaking down barriers of entry for curious consumers.

Their three in-house brands – Oceanic, Seaweed, and Booty – reflect this ethos. Each brand offers distinct products developed with careful consideration of customer preferences and regional demands. Oceanic's product development and distribution strategies emphasize quality and consistency, ensuring that every purchase meets high standards.


Cultivation and Quality Control

Dillon Beck took the discussion into the heart of Oceanic's cultivation practices. Contrary to the industry trend of chasing high THC percentages, Oceanic prioritizes consistency and quality. This approach underlines their commitment to providing reliable and enjoyable products for all consumers.

Navigating the regulatory landscape, especially in regions like Ontario, presents additional challenges. Yet, Oceanic remains steadfast in their goal to maintain a direct connection with their customers through their thoughtful retail operations. This hands-on approach helps Oceanic stay attuned to customer needs and preferences.


Thought-Provoking Questions from Listeners

As a unique segment of the podcast, listeners posed questions to Taylor and Dillon, touching on issues such as organic cultivation and the debate over indica and sativa classifications. These questions highlighted the ongoing evolution and complexities of the cannabis industry, resonating with both experts and consumers alike.



Oceanic is not just a cannabis company; it's a beacon of change and community enrichment in Newfoundland. From their humble beginnings inspired by a grandfather's medical needs to their role in transforming local economies and breaking down cannabis stigmas, Oceanic's journey is nothing short of inspiring.

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