Legacies Podcast

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As the cannabis industry continues to blossom, navigating the complexities of regulations and market dynamics becomes crucial for businesses. In a recent podcast episode, hosts Tom Richie and Wes Bowles dive deep into the nuances of the cannabis sector with distinguished guests Harrison Jordan, a cannabis-focused lawyer, and Alannah Davis, the CEO of Dabble Cannabis Company. Their insights provide a rich tapestry of knowledge, from legal hurdles to the operational intricacies of cannabis cultivation.


Demystifying Cannabis Inducement with Harrison Jordan

The first guest on the podcast is Harrison Jordan of Substance Law, a lawyer with a deep expertise in the cannabis industry. Jordan sheds light on the elusive concept of "inducement" under the Cannabis Act. This regulation prohibits entities from giving away cannabis or related accessories for free, as well as offering cannabis as an incentive for purchasing other products.

Jordan highlights a significant problem: the lack of clear definitions around inducement, which creates challenges for both licensed producers and retailers. With these ambiguities, industry participants struggle to discern what promotional strategies are permissible. Jordan emphasizes his efforts in lobbying Health Canada to bring more clarity to the issue, especially concerning temporary discounts and limited-time offers, which remain a gray area in the current regulatory environment.


Navigating Cannabis Cultivation with Alannah Davis

The episode transitions to a compelling discussion with Alannah Davis, the dynamic CEO of Dabble Cannabis Company. Davis shares an intimate look at her journey into the cannabis industry, which began through her father's initial involvement and led her to join Aurora Cannabis in 2018 during the fledgling days of legalization.


From Corporate Giant to Family Farm

Working at Aurora Cannabis, Davis experienced firsthand the turbulence of rapid growth and shifting regulations within the cannabis landscape. However, her career took a more localized turn as she became more involved in her family’s outdoor cannabis farm in British Columbia. Taking on a pivotal role during the licensing process with Health Canada amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Davis was instrumental in steering the farm's regulatory compliance and operations.


Building the Dabble Brand

Alannah elaborates on the intentional branding of "Dabble," which focuses on producing high-quality, small-batch cannabis concentrates, particularly rosin. The selection and trialing of outdoor cannabis cultivars are critical to their operations. Dabble prioritizes strains that thrive in the local climate and exhibit desirable traits for concentrate production.


Challenges and Vision for the Future

Running an outdoor grow operation comes with its set of challenges, including unpredictable weather and variable crop yields. Despite these hurdles, Davis remains committed to establishing a strong presence within British Columbia before considering broader expansion. She envisions a "hashery" model for Dabble, where customers can visit the farm, experience the brand, and purchase exclusive products—a truly immersive customer experience.

In a unique twist, Davis wraps up her segment by posing a thought-provoking question to the next podcast guest: "What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?"



The conversation with Harrison Jordan and Alannah Davis offers a compelling snapshot of the cannabis industry from both a legal and business perspective. As the industry matures, the insights and experiences shared by these experts will undoubtedly serve as valuable guides for navigating its complexities.

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