Legacies Podcast

It’s not every day that you find a financial solution that gives much-needed liquidity to an industry long overlooked by traditional banking. Cannabis has always been talked about in circles of passion, not convenience. But if the sector is going to thrive and outgrow its scraping-by mindset, operators need to start talking about one thing: capital.

Wealth whispers in this industry, and if you've been in the trenches long enough, you’ve heard it. But quieter still? The cannabis companies successfully growing without belting out their successes from the rooftops.

On this special episode of Legacies, Tom Richie, Wesley Bulls, Mike Schilling, and Josh Reynolds dive into exactly what it takes to go from squeezed margins to aggressive growth, all with the help of some refreshingly new financial solutions from We Can Capital and Community Savings Credit Union. Strap in.

Breadstack: A Shout Out to Our Sponsor

Before the deep dive, let’s give credit where it’s due. Legacies is powered by the good folks over at Breadstack—a name you should know if you’re a cannabis retail operator trying to upgrade your eCommerce game. Breadstack levels the playing field, making sure that the backbone of your dispensary doesn’t snap under the pressures of poor tech. If you need an upgrade, they’re your people!

A Busy Week in Cannabis: Rolling into the CannExec Summit

This might just be the busiest week the cannabis world encounters all year. The CannExec Summit is going full speed tomorrow, packed with insightful panels, discussions, and more. Unlike other events, this one isn’t about long, boring presentations; it's focused on discussions. A full 360-degree view of today’s cannabis scene, flush with every powerful voice you need in the room.

It’s not retail-centric, and it’s not for budtenders. Nope, this one's all business. Cannabis execs coming in hot to tackle the industry's nastiest hurdles—and there are plenty—head-on.

But you’ve got to wonder: why aren't more cannabis companies paying attention? You're missing out if you're not catching these growth conversations.

The Misstep Heard 'Round the Dispensary: When Pre-Rolls Go Wrong

One area in the industry that still has room for improvement? Cannabis pre-rolls.

Case in point, one pre-roll fail caught our eye this past week. Open the package, and it’s something straight out of an amateur hour: twisted ends barely twisted and filters mangled like they were run over by a car. Should this even be reaching store shelves?

The takeaway? If you’re running a brand, you better make sure those twisted little tubes of magic are pristine. Otherwise? Well, it's the kind of thing Reddit explodes over. Quality at every touchpoint matters, and anything less than perfect reflect poorly on the brand.

Simply Bare’s 1:1: Is the Search for the Perfect Balance Over?

Now, if pre-rolls have you down, here's an upside—the elusive 1:1.

Simply Bare’s BC Organic Harlequin pre-rolls slap in all the right ways. They provide balance—not that foggy, couch-heavy feeling, but clarity. It's for the night owls finishing work under city lights or those still scrolling their planners by moonlight. Harlequin might just become the favorite tool in your toolbox for a clear-headed high. Crisp flavors, subtle chill, enough THC to remind you it’s there, but without snatching any productivity.

The search for the perfect 1:1 can feel like hunting down Bigfoot. But Simply Bare just might have cracked it.

The Patent on Happles: Securing a Piece of Cannabis History

You know what's cool? Happles—that quirky combination of apple-shaped pipes handmade by Electric Dave. But there's something even bigger happening behind the scenes that goes beyond cool. It's about protecting the craft.

Dave might soon snag a patent for these unique creations, safeguarding both his process and the product itself. This move proves that innovation and craftmanship can, and should, go hand in hand in this industry.

Do you own a Happle yet? If not, you’re sleeping on one of the best, most creative pieces the market has to offer.

Whomp It Glass: Built Like a Tank – No, Seriously

Think glass is always fragile? Think again. You've got to see the insanity that Whomp It Glass is serving up with their indestructible bongs. Imagine smashing the thing against a car, throwing it across a parking lot—still standing.

This isn't just about showing off durability for kicks. This is consumer confidence. Knowing that you’ve got gear that withstands everyday chaos is empowering. Whomp It isn’t just selling glass; they’re dropping peace of mind.

The Grow Up Flower Award Winners: The Real Kings of Craft

The Grow Up Conference winners had to be mentioned. Why? Because these aren’t your one-off favourites. They represent some of the absolute best dry flowers on shelves. And when you look at the names, it all starts to make sense.

First place went to Origine Nature’s Golden Goat. Not a surprising win, given the heavy-hitting cultivars they’re known for.

Ripped Off Runtz took second, and we’re just as curious about this strain as you are.

And third place was snagged by Frosted Fruitcake from Kevin Varner, someone who continues to dominate flower quality with little more than sheer dedication to the craft.

The lesson here? Quality still reigns supreme. Brands live or die by their ability to make rec consumers nod their heads and say, “I’d buy that again."

The Real Talk You Need: Financing Your Cannabis Business with Josh Reynolds & Mike Schilling

But let’s zoom into what was arguably the most important focus of this week—how do you actually scale your cannabis business without getting blindsided by financial blockers? Enter Community Savings and We Can Capital.

Mike Schilling and Josh Reynolds have teamed up to create one of the most important programs to date for cannabis companies: cannabis capital support. Traditional banks have been so skittish about cannabis operators—credit card denials, equipment delays, blocked access to crucial accounts. It’s exhausting.

Banks barely give cannabis a sideways glance because "high risk" turns their heads. What cannabis operators need is both trust and cash flow solutions that don't involve selling chunks of their soul. Recently, Community Savings Credit Union took a risk-based approach only a few other institutions have dabbled with—working directly with cannabis companies in Canada. Through We Can Capital, they've taken that even further, offering fast turnaround solutions for those massive ARs (accounts receivable) and tackling CRA excise taxes in the process.

If you’ve been burned by liquidity bottlenecks—those painful waiting periods between invoices and your money hitting the account—then you’re the kind of company Josh and Mike work with. We're talking AR financing with money coming in same-day—sometimes as quick as 45 minutes.

Josh's sentiment was guttural: The goal isn’t just to survive. It's to arm operators with real funding and flexible terms that push their growth, not bury it in debt. With this model, Canadian LPs can finally breathe a little easier. Because let’s be real—everyone’s got crazy receivables hanging, potentially holding millions in limbo while the bank digs through excuses.

By focusing initially on British Columbia, Mike and Josh have built a testbed for their program, seeing growth numbers they can now start laying out to the rest of Canada. Mark both of their names down when this program makes it to Ontario and beyond. Financing is what will separate those who stay from those who fold.

Get Ahead Green: What Can Operators Do Right Now?

Josh drives home a great point here: Plan now. You know liquidity problems are coming if you’re scaling up. Waiting until you’re against the wall is asking for too little help too late.

What's your AR looking like? Are your excise taxes in check? Even if you're operating smoothly now, you can bank on bottlenecks coming sooner or later as you ramp up distribution. So the time to align with a financing partner isn’t after your second huge audit; it's now.

Wrapping It All Up

What Josh and Mike have built together with We Can Capital and Community Savings is a power tool for cannabis growth. These aren’t just your everyday financers grabbing for margins. These are passionate, thoughtful, and dedicated individuals who want to see operators succeed not just in 2023 but beyond into the fractured post-legalization landscape Canada finds itself navigating.

Don't get left behind. Get in touch with them for fast liquidity solutions or just a chat on pushing your business in the right direction.

We just hope the rest of the cannabis industry takes notice. This isn’t Wall Street; this is the weed street.

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